Acts 2:1-21; May 28, 2023; Pentecost Sunday We are not alone. These past several weeks, I’ve been quoting musicians and movies with such regularity, that you are probably right to…
Luke 24:13-16; 28-32; Seventh Sunday of Easter; Ascension of the Lord The sermon title for today is: “Stay with Us” – and now that we’ve got your pledges, you must….
Acts 17:26-28; John 14:15-20; May 14, 2023; Sixth Sunday of Easter; Mother’s Day There’s a parable I really like by Rabbi Mendel Weinbach. It goes like this: A wandering man…
1 Peter 2:4-5; John 14:1-3; May 5, 2023; Fourth Sunday of Easter “All things that belong to love are beautiful; and all things that are beautiful have their source in…
Psalm 148; Acts 2:43-47 — April 30, 2023; Fourth Sunday of Easter For fifteen years the fine folks over in Chestnut Hill heard me heap accolades on the greatest movie…
John 20:19-21; 24-28; April 16, 2023; Second Sunday of Easter If you were here last week, then you’re in for a treat. And if you weren’t here last week, then…
John 10:1-18; April 9, 2023; Easter Sunday “Woman waiting in the garden, after men have come and gone, after angels give their witness, silently you watch the dawn.” – lyrics…
John 12:12-26; April 2, 2023; Palm/Passion Sunday “Look, the world has gone after him!” — John 12:19 Now, my question for us today is, are we going after him, or…
John 11:1-45; March 26, 2023; Fifth Sunday in Lent What shall I do? “The sisters sent a message to Jesus, ‘Lord, he whom you love is ill.’ But though Jesus…
John 9:1-34; March 19, 2023; Fourth Sunday in Lent “You were born entirely in sins, are you trying to teach us?” – John 9:34 Such hubris! Let’s begin today by…