Offering Plate
Cash or Check in offering plate during worship service
mailed to or brought to church office:
Grace Presbyterian Church
Attn: Financial Secretary
444 York Rd
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Online payment
using your bank’s bill pay feature
Stock Gifts
Stock gift donations to Grace Church can be made through the Presbyterian Foundation. A donation form can be found here and sent directly to the Foundation. The Foundation will directly acknowledge your gift when it is received. You can contact the Presbyterian Foundation at 800-858-6127 to find out more.
For questions please contact the Tina Hinks at 215-887-6117 ext. 14.
Financial Reports
The Session of Grace Church annually adopts a financial operating budget and benevolence budget. The Stewardship and Administration Committee provides oversight of the operating budget, and the Mission Team provides oversight of the benevolence budget. Regular reports are received by the Session. For detailed information, please Contact Tina Hinks at the church office, 215.887.6117, extension 14.