Music is an integral part of worship at Grace Presbyterian Church. Congregational singing is worship, and the purpose of our music ministry is to support the congregation in worship. Music has the power to unite our hearts in praise to God. The various choirs at Grace offer the opportunity to fellowship together, making music for the purpose of leading the congregation in worship, while growing in faith and having fun!
If singing or ringing bells is your thing join us for an exciting season of singing and ringing for all ages. Contact Valerie Clayton ([email protected]) for more information or just come to a rehearsal of one of the choirs listed below.

Chancel Choir
This choir is an adult mixed choir (ninth grade -Adult) directed by Valerie Clayton. This choir sings every Sunday from September to May, as well as Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday, and Maundy Thursday. The choir rehearses Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 9 :00 pm in the Sanctuary and Sunday mornings at 9:15 prior to the 10:00 am worship service.
Contact & Information:
Valerie Clayton | [email protected]
The Cathedral Ringers
Directed by Kevin Engleman, this is a bell choir of teens and adults ringing 2-5 octaves. The Cathedral Ringers ring once a month at 10:00 am service. The choir rehearses on Monday evenings from 6:30 until 7:15 in the Bell Choir Room. If you or your youth would like to join the bell choir, please contact Director of Music, Valerie Clayton.
Contact & Information:
Valerie Clayton | [email protected]
Cherub Choir
5 years to 2nd grade
Directed by Ruth Fuelleborn, this choir sings once a month at the 10:00 worship service, and 5:00 pm Christmas Eve. The choir rehearses Sunday morning after worship from 11:15 to 12 noon in the Dove Room.
Chapel Choir
3rd grade – 5th grade
Directed by Kevin Engleman, this choir sings once a month at the 10:00 am worship service and 5:00 pm Christmas Eve. The choir rehearses Sunday mornings after worship from 11:15 to 11:45 in the Camel Room.
Charis Choir
6th grade – 12th grade
Directed by Valerie Clayton, this choir sings once a month at the 10:00 am worship
service. The choir rehearses Sunday morning after worship from 11:15 to 12:00 in the
Choir Room.