We believe that God is love. And that in life, death, and resurrection, Jesus makes this love known. This love is not exclusive. But an inclusive expression of the rich diversity of creation.
Our Beliefs
Grace Presbyterian Church emphasizes the love of God, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and the transforming grace of Jesus Christ.
Our lives are enriched when we are actively engaged in becoming more like him: “Jesus loves us just the way we are, and too much to let us stay that way.”
We cannot earn right standing with God by our own merit; rather, all of us are enveloped by God’s unconditional grace.

Our spiritual journey is strengthened by our relationships; within the fellowship of the church, and the communities we live in. Therefore, we believe in the inherent dignity, value, and worth of every person, regardless of their race, sexual orientation, or gender identity. We affirm that the gospel transcends human divisions, and as we seek to embody the unity of Christ’s love; and so we advocate for justice and inclusion as beloved children of God.
Societal change is possible because the power of the Holy Spirit is at work in all of us — in celebration of our ethnicities, genders, and identities; without bias or discrimination.
The church is called to make a difference in the world by working for justice, promoting equality, and serving those in need by witnessing to the reconciling love of Jesus Christ.
These beliefs are illuminated by Scripture, and guided by the historic faith statements of the Presbyterian Church (USA)