Grace Presbyterian STUDENT MINISTRY
Middle School Students -
We get it. Middle school can be awkward. Students are growing up fast and need a place where they can start to learn how God sees them. The road through middle school may be bumpy—but it doesn’t have to be lonely. Grace Students are surrounded by a community helping them on the journey to discover a faith of their own. GS meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights.
High School Students -
The pivotal season of high school goes by fast. While the goal is often to survive these years, Grace Students is here to help students make the most of them. GS meets on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights and is designed for high school students curious about faith and eager to discover how a relationship with Jesus could change their lives, their schools, and our community.

Sunday Mornings: Amplify
Students in grades 6-12 meet on Sunday mornings from 9:30 – 10:20 downstairs in the students lounge. Students and leaders spend some time catching up over some donuts and hot chocolate. Each week during Amplify students will experience a combination of games, Bible study, and fellowship. We are currently studying our way through the book of Mark. Don’t forget to bring your Bible for a shot at the Impossible shot.
Wednesday Nights: Youth Group
We start the night with some time to hang out, play games, and make new friends. After hang time, we gather for worship and to hear practical teaching that students can apply to their daily lives. After that, students get to circle up with their small groups. Grace Students small groups are led by adults committed to equipping students to successfully navigate middle school and high school and develop their faith. We love when new people Grace Students, so join us on Sunday nights from 7:00 – 8:30 pm!
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For more information, please email Joel at jbielefeldt@gracejenkintown.