If you are looking for a vibrant church and a loving people, please visit us on Sunday mornings at 10:00am, or any day during the week. We would love to share with you who we are and what we believe in.
But to give you a preview: we are a congregation that believes everyone is welcomed. That God’s love is so great that no one is excluded. As creation is rich and colorful in its diversity, so should be the church, and so is our aim.
We believe that our spiritual journey is strengthened by our relationships with one another, both within the membership of the church and the communities we live and work in. Our goal is to delight in each other’s company, and in doing so, bridge the divides that may exist between us.
Through outreach and missions, we seek to faithfully witness to Jesus’ inclusive gospel of hope. We believe that through this hope, both individual and societal change is possible because the power of the Holy Spirit is at work in all of us, without bias or discrimination, in celebration of our differences in race, gender, and identity.
The Church is called to make a difference in the world by working for justice, promoting equality, and serving those in need by witnessing to the reconciling love of Jesus Christ. And here at Grace, we hope we are humbly and authentically living out that charge.
So with that, welcome!
We hope to greet you in worship, or at the many events and celebrations we are privileged to host.